What’s In Your Bin? – July 2021
Because of the continuing covid-19 situation we will be running our summer club online again this year from Wednesday 28th July to Friday 30th July at 10.30am each day. We will be streaming to our Bourne Baptist Church YouTube channel with links to the live stream on our website and our Facebook page on the day.
There will be a story to watch, songs to join in with, crafts, Weather with Wendy, Mr Sunglasses plus Bored Brian will be making an appearance each day.
If you want to join in the fun then watch the live stream on our Bourne Baptist Church channel on YouTube. Links will be available each day to the stream on our website and on our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/bournebaptistchurch
Materials you will need to make the crafts.
Plus something for you … to go with the story from the Bible each day.