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Youth Work

There is lots going on within our youth work program. From Life groups, social outreach groups, 1-1 mentoring, social media content to Christian youth festivals. There is something for everyone here and all are welcome! Below are some details about what we currently have going on in our Youth work: Ignite; The EDGE; The Space; The Place; 1-1 Mentoring; Social Media; Satellites.


Our Ignite life group meets  every Monday evening, 7pm – 8:30pm during school term time. This group is open to anyone in schools years 7 – 11.

We have dinner together each evening. The young people particularly love our loaded nachos, Chinese style noodles, pulled pork rolls and of course… pizza!

We play a team challenge game at the start of each session and then have discussion around big topics that are relevant to young people.

We ask the young people to bring along £2 with them each week to help cover the cost of the food.


The EDGE life groups meets every Tuesday evening, 7:30pm – 9pm during school term time. This group is for anyone in school years 10 – 13.

We ask the young people to bring their favorite snacks with them and we then share these out between the group.

We play games together, spend time relaxing, talking and doing life together. We also have discussion around big topics that are relevant to young people.

This group is completely free and everyone is welcome.

The Space

The Space is our social group that meets every Thursday evening, @ 6:15pm – 7:30pm during school term time. This group is for anyone in school years 7 – 13.

This group is a relaxed space where the young people can come and be welcomed within our community. We have table tennis, table football, pool, games consoles, a youth café, a creative space and a chill room. We do our best to support the young people with their mental health by listening and chatting to them about any of the issues they may be facing.

The youth café sells milk shakes, hot chocolates, cans, cake, crisps and chocolate bars. We also have provision for those with gluten or dairy intolerances. Items in the café are all 50p each.

We do short 5 minute talks in church once a month. If the leader goes over 5 minutes. They have to do a forfeit!

The Place

The Place is our Sunday morning group that runs during the church service. This group is for those in school years 7 – 13.

The young people start in the church service and then come out after the middle block of worship.

We have drinks, snacks and a time of worship at the beginning. We open the bible and have discussion around a different topic each week. We then have a time of prayer and reflection and finish with a game.  This term we are doing a series called; ‘big questions’.

The sessions our completely free and everyone is welcome.

1-1 Mentoring

I offer 1-1 mentoring to young people within our youth work program. This is an opportunity to support the young people with any struggles they are going through. I leave space to listen to them and spend time praying with them as well.

I also aim to do some sort of project with the young person. This is a great way to help them grow their confidence, their team work, their communication and their problem solving skills. It is also a good way to offer a space where the young person can open up in a low intensity environment. I call this shoulder to shoulder youth work. Some of the projects I have worked on with young people so far are: a podcast, sports training and bible studies.

Feel free to get in touch by emailing if your young person is interested in receiving mentoring.

Social Media

We have a youth Instagram page which is updated regularly. I upload short talks, youth work updates, funny video and recent youth work highlights. Check it out by searching @B_B_C_YOUTH

Or use the following link: We also have a YouTube channel where we upload a youth podcast once a  month. You can check this out using the following link:


We take our young people to a youth Christian festival called Satellites, ran by the amazing people at Youth Scape.

This incredible week takes place in the summer holidays and it is always a highlight of the year for every young person.

For more information about Satellites, you can find their website here: You can also email me if your young people are interested in coming on: