Protected: Alpha Youth Edited Filmsby Andy NorfolkApril 17, 2021August 3, 2021There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Daily Devotion – Maundy Thursdayby Andy NorfolkApril 1, 2021March 27, 2021The Last Supper and Jesus’ Prayer in garden of Gethsemane
Daily Devotion – Wednesdayby Andy NorfolkMarch 31, 2021March 27, 2021Jesus’ prediction of his betrayal
Daily Devotion – Palm Sundayby Andy NorfolkMarch 28, 2021March 28, 2021Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem
Coming Up In Holy Weekby Andy NorfolkMarch 26, 2021April 2, 2021Watch our daily devotions during Holy Week