Deacon Nominations
At our Church Familiy Meeting on Thu 15th Oct at 7.30pm over Zoom we will be electing deacons to fill 3 of the 4 positions on the deaconate; Pastoral; Mission and Evangelism; Communications. The remaining position for Safeguarding has no-one standing but the responsibilities of this role are being fulfilled by the elders.
Pastoral Care:
Our desire and responsibility as God’s people is to care for one-another. As a church we seek to do this with specific teams and other ministries that engage with the wider community. It is also expected that pastoral care is not the sole responsibility of the staff team, so a pastoral visit may be done by any member of the pastoral care team not necessarily the minister. The role currently heads up the weekly Hub meeting, and seeks to facilitate pastoral care across the church.
Nomination: Lorrae Speirs nominated by Maureen Cornell and seconded by and Kate Hydes.
Mission and Evangelism:
Our desire as God’s people is to impact beyond the church itself (Matt 28:19-20), and this is done through the ministries we operate locally and by partnering with organisations on the global stage. The role would be one of championing this particular ministry, ensuring that the church has an appropriate program of outreach (Alpha, Christianity Explored and one off outreach events such as Christmas stall, Easter event etc.). They would also on occasions seek to bring our focus to the world stage and those organisations that we partner with (BMS, Brighter Future etc.).
Nomination: Paul Sexton nominated by Kate Hydes and seconded by David Hughes.
The role seeks to facilitate the use of technologies such as the internet, computers, AV equipment , software applications to assist in the goals of the church.
Nomination: Andy Norfolk nominated by Margaret Simpson and seconded by Sharon Humphreys.